Our Services

General Podiatry

About us

Foot Health & Care

General podiatry services involve assessing your total foot’s health and care. Your feet are under constant stress all day; walking, running, and being squashed into tight fitting shoes can cause multiple foot complications.

This can lead to:

  • Corns
  • Callous
  • Heel cracks
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Thick discoloured nails
  • Plantar warts
  • Fungal infection

These conditions can often be painful recurring, they can be treated easily and painlessly in a general consult.

All of our instruments are sterilised and tracked under strict podiatry council guidelines. General treatment when performed regularly will provide maintenance of foot health, preventing further complication. This is especially true in high risk patients such as diabetics or vascular impaired patients.

Podiatry Illawarra anna smiling checking foot